Technology providers

Visitor identification and data connection in milliseconds

Gravito enables technology providers to elevate their platforms with immediate access to visitor data – instantly upon page load

Show up to

↓ 40%

Less consent banners

  Decreased bounce rate

  Improved user experience

Get up to

↑ 35%

More identified returning visitors

  Improved user experience

  Increased user engagement

Get up to

↑ 50%

Increase in visits from users you already know

  Increased customer loyalty

  Higher user satisfaction

With Gravito get even closer to the visitor data

Gravito revolutionizes data collection by connecting signals, IDs and data into visitor profiles living on the client side and providing immediate availability to various data, marketing and advertising platforms and solutions

Effortless integration and real-time data delivery

Gravito operates at the data layer and its real-time data delivery integrates seamlessly with existing technology stacks, allowing for efficient data flow

One-script deployment within a day

First results within a week

Tech-agnostic and easy to integrate

Compatible with existing tech stack and systems already in place (DMPs, CDPs, CRMs, IAMs, etc.)

Instant data access

Immediate data availability

Unified and persistent visitor profiles across domains and devices are instantly accessible upon page load, which means immediate access to accurate data that can be act upon in real-time 

  • Visitor profiles delivered in milliseconds
  • Immediate data and IDs connected

Data layer

Operates as a smart browser data layer

Gravito adds a smart data layer between technologies and visitors, enabling independent data orchestration

  • Enhances existing technology
  • Enables composable architecture

Privacy compliance

Prioritizes user consent

Operates within a privacy-compliant framework, ensuring data collection and usage meet regulatory standards

  • No data without agreement
  • Ethical and compliant data collection

Explore the entire solution

Never lose a visitor between the site visits

CMP & Privacy Center

Identity resolution &
Visitor profile

Custom Solutions

Dedicated environments & Custom Services
Industry Impact

90% of web users move between devices to complete a task

This statistic highlights the necessity of identity resolution to track and integrate customer interactions across various devices

Source: Google

Case studies

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Feeling overwhelmed with the complexities of third‑party cookie topic?

Gain clarity on your next steps, let our team of experts guide you

Patrick Glanz


Jouni Mannerhovi