Media & Publishers

Monetize your audiences with real-time data collection and connection

Gravito enables media and publishers to instantly access and activate critical reader data the moment the page loads

Show up to

↓ 40%

Less consent banners

  Decreased bounce rate

  Improved user experience

Get up to

↑ 35%

More identified returning visitors

  Improved user experience

  Increased user engagement

Get up to

↑ 50%

Increase in visits from users you already know

  Increased customer loyalty

  Higher user satisfaction

Keep your website traffic addressable and future-proof

Gravito enables you to collect your own first-party and zero-party visitor data. Gravito innovative solutions allow you to activate the visitor data instantly upon page load, keeping your traffic addressable and future-proof.

Live visitor data on-site

Gravito revolutionizes data collection by connecting signals, IDs and data into Lightweight CDP visitor profiles that live on the client side
Forget the lag of heavy data lakes

Real-time, actionable insights to personalize content and optimize ad placement instantly

Know your readers’ needs on page load

Deliver the perfect next ad or article with millisecond precision

Personalized experiences

Personalize every interaction instantly

Observe visitors in real-time and enhance their profiles using data from various sources to deliver highly personalized content, ads, recommendations and experiences

  • Frequent returns and longer visits
  • Increased reader loyalty and time spent on site

Targeted Advertising

Real-time profile data for precise targeting

Gravito provides visitor profiles with interest and behavior data at page load, allowing you to start targeted advertising instantly

  • Higher ad relevance and ROI on campaigns
  • Increased ad inventory

Visitor identification everywhere

Recognition across devices domains and sessions

Track and recognize users across multiple devices, domains and sessions and connect with their preferences, interests and behaviors from previous interactions

Explore the entire solution

Never lose a visitor between the site visits

CMP & Privacy Center

Identity resolution &
Visitor profile

Custom Solutions

Dedicated environments & Custom Services
Industry Impact

Publishers could lose up to $10 billion in ad revenue due to the deprecation of third-party cookies

Source: McKinsey

Case studies

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Feeling overwhelmed with the complexities of third‑party cookie topic?

Gain clarity on your next steps, let our team of experts guide you

Patrick Glanz


Jouni Mannerhovi