How to target browsers and consumers – some thoughts on the latest Google announcement

Patrick Glantz


Aug 29, 2024

The recent news that Google will no longer deprecate third-party cookies has created confusion and speculation in the industry. When making plans for the upcoming business quarters, it’s good to understand the current situation and the impact of this announcement in more detail.

Browser Market share as of today

Browser market share june 2024


According to the announcement, consumers will be given “a new experience that lets users make an informed choice.”One could say that Google is deprecating cookies by letting consumers opt.” Today, 40% of Chrome sessions already don’t have a cookie because the consumer has manually disabled them or is in Incognito mode. There is a high probability that the option to make an informed choice will further impact the ‘opt-in’ rates negatively. If third-party cookies no longer work for 70% of the internet, Google will hand over the timelines for the remaining 30% to consumers and the yet-defined new user experience.

Regarding publishers, 70% of their inventory is typically under-monetized because no cookies exist. For advertisers, they are only able to bid on 30% of consumers, meaning reach has collapsed and CPMs have increased. So, what should they do? Publishers should continue to build their data around first-party data and ensure they have the tools to do this in a cost-efficient and future-proof way. However, targeting consumers and browsers with personalization will differ depending on the browser and device. More orchestration capabilities and separate tactics for Chrome and Safari will be needed. This will most likely increase the complexity.

How does this announcement impact Gravito?

Well, it doesn’t. Our formula, where you Consent, Collect, and Connect data on the fly and in session around your chosen ID(s), is the way to go. Our unique way of processing and activating data on the edge in the client makes it future-proof, also when AI is plugged into the game. We connect the critical data – and bring it to the page load where it should be.

First- and zero-party data has been the backbone of technology, and this will not change. Privacy and the assumption that consumers’ choices drive the orchestration remain intact. Connecting the different IDs and signals with the multi-level consents creates a solid enabler for your first-party data set-up.

The Gravito solution is probably the easiest way to start collecting first-party signals. The deployment process takes less than a day, and the results can be seen in some weeks. It adapts seamlessly to the surrounding technologies and the maturity level of the customers’ tech stack. A neutral and stable data fabric for first- and zero-party data combined with client-side data processing ensures the most cost-efficient solution in the market.

Patrick Glantz

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