
Recognize loyal customers and serve tailored deals instantly

Gravito enables eCommerce to increase sales by identifying customers in real-time and delivering personalized offers as the page loads

Show up to

↓ 40%

Less consent banners

  Decreased bounce rate

  Improved user experience

Get up to

↑ 35%

More identified returning visitors

  Improved user experience

  Increased user engagement

Get up to

↑ 50%

Increase in visits from users you already know

  Increased customer loyalty

  Higher user satisfaction

Know who you sell to

Gravito collects and delivers essential customer data to eCommerce platforms within milliseconds, enabling them to quickly act upon it and increase purchase conversions

Have the right data when it matters most

Gravito revolutionizes data collection by connecting signals, IDs and data into customer profiles that live on the client side
Real-time data for recommendation engines

The most needed and accurate customer data is accessible and delivered to eCommerce platforms in milliseconds enabling personalized offers and optimized targeting

Immediate data availability

Build personalized shopping journeys

Immediate access to critical data as customers enter your online store allows you to target them with personalized content for products they’ve shown interest in

  • Customer profile data delivered in milliseconds
  • Continuous profile enrichment in real-time

Precise targeting

Link anonymous browsing history with logged-in profiles

Track and connect anonymous browsing history and search activities to customer activities post login and registration

  • More accurate personalization and better-targeted offers
  • Superior shopping experience

Cross-device recognition

Recognize buyers across multiple devices

Provide a seamless shopping experience, from browsing on a mobile device to completing a purchase on a desktop 

  • Increase LTV
  • Consistent engagement

Explore the entire solution

Never lose a visitor between the site visits

CMP & Privacy Center

Identity resolution &
Visitor profile

Custom Solutions

Dedicated environments & Custom Services
Industry Impact

90% of web users move between devices to complete a task

This statistic highlights the necessity of identity resolution to track and integrate customer interactions across various devices

Source: Google

Case studies

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Feeling overwhelmed with the complexities of third‑party cookie topic?

Gain clarity on your next steps, let our team of experts guide you

Patrick Glanz


Jouni Mannerhovi