Can the consent banner be turned into a business asset?

Patrick Glantz


Oct 4, 2024

And what makes our banner intelligent

Consents are important in many ways. Without them, you don’t have the ability or the right to offer a customized user experience. Then, there’s the legal and compliance aspect with all the different flavors from local authorities and regulators. The publishers and brands often treat the consent banner as a mandatory must that needs to be dealt with. As for the consumers, no one likes to see the annoying consent banner. One may ask whether it matters which CMP is in use as long as it’s compliant. Well, it does.

From a mandatory must to a business asset, a unique combination of consent management and a client-side light-CDP is needed.

The Gravito solution extends the role of the consent banner as a mandatory must. It provides a stable and persistent storage for any identifier (ID), and saving the data together with the consent string creates the foundation for a unique offering. Collecting and connecting the most valuable information about your visitors and having this information available directly on the client (data layer of the website) is a powerful enabler. This power position can only be achieved by combining the gatekeeping role of a CMP with ID & Data management.

Brands are talking about personalized and customized user experiences. However, this isn’t easy to achieve if the relevant data is unavailable when you need it. Even with the most modern tech stack, there is typically latency or only parts of the data available when the customer lands on the site. This effectively prevents any personalized orchestration of the following best action or offer.

Gravito solves this by having all the critical data available in session and immediately during page load. This power position can be achieved because the CMP has the legal right to be the first thing that loads on the site. When all the other tags and pixels are waiting in the lobby to be fired, Gravito CMP loads as the first thing with all the associated data and can unleash this information within milliseconds while the page is still loading.

Gravito CMP supports your entire tech stack and the AI-driven future.

Gravito can distribute the power position to any of the surrounding technologies or IDs, which means that it’s not there to replace anybody but to strengthen the entire stack. It breaks the technology silos as it connects the data already on the edge to the client. All emerging AI-driven technologies will benefit from connecting the first-party signals and making them available in one package with consent. Any technology will depend on two crucial things to operate: 1) consent and 2) different customer IDs. This is something that Gravito delivers better than anyone else.

Do it like the Finns and turn your banner into a marketing asset.

Gravito is a Finnish data company with extensive international experience from global powerhouses like Nokia and Microsoft and leading advertising and broadcasting companies. After working with numerous Martech solutions, we saw a need for a product that integrates consumer and technology identities with consent and preferences. Inspired by Nordic MyData principles and the erosion of third-party cookies, we created Gravito to meet this need. We have a strong presence in the Nordic market and have been selected by the largest Swiss media companies as a technology provider.


Patrick Glantz

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